Notice Description
The general intention of the contracting authority is to create and deliver a new transport system for metro trails C and D capable of fully automated operation at UTO/GoA4 automation, including the delivery of fully automated metro trains for operation at UTO/GoA4, PSD (platform screen doors), stationary and mobile parts of CBTC security equipment and all other related technologies (parts of the transport system) necessary for the operation of fully automated trains of metro, PSD and security equipment, – ensuring full -service new metro train sets including mobile part of the security deviceTheir basic life cycle (35 years), – ensure full -service PSD (platform Screen Doors) throughout their basic life cycle (25 years), and – ensure service of the stationary part of the security equipment and other parts of the transport system in the contracting authority set by the scope afterall the time their life cycle (25 years).The award of this public contract is aimed at finding a solution of the transport system that would correspond to the ideas and requirements of the contracting authority as much as possible and respect the requirements of the contracting authority and all legal regulations.
Original language
Vlaky a dopravní systém Automatizace linky C a nové linky I.D
Obecným záměrem zadavatele je – vytvoření a dodání nového dopravního systému pro trasy metra C a D schopného plně automatizovaného provozu ve stupni automatizace UTO/GoA4, zahrnujícího zejména dodávku plně automatizovaných vlakových souprav metra pro provoz ve stupni automatizace UTO/GoA4, PSD (Platform Screen Doors), stacionární a mobilní části zabezpečovacího zařízení CBTC a veškerých dalších souvisejících technologií (částí dopravního systému) nutných pro provoz plně automatizovaných vlakových souprav metra, PSD a zabezpečovacího zařízení, – zajištění Full-Service nových vlakových souprav metra včetně mobilní části zabezpečovacího zařízení po celou dobu jejich základního životního cyklu (35 let), – zajištění Full-Service PSD (Platform Screen Doors) po celou dobu jejich základního životního cyklu (25 let), a – zajištění servisu stacionární části zabezpečovacího zařízení a dalších částí dopravního systému v zadavatelem stanoveném rozsahu po celou dobu jejich životního cyklu (25 let). Zadání této veřejné zakázky směřuje k tomu, aby bylo nalezeno řešení dopravního systému, které by v maximální možné míře odpovídalo představám, potřebám a požadavkům zadavatele a respektovalo požadavky kladené na činnost zadavatele a veškeré právní předpisy.
Additional data
- Contract value (original): 85.980.000.000 CZK
- Notice number: 229167-2024
- Languages: Czech
- Type: comp-dial
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
The contracting authority requires a demonstration of the fulfillment of professional competence pursuant to Section 77 of the Public Procurement Institute by submitting:
(a) an extract from the Commercial Register or other similar records, if any other legal regulation requires entry in such records;
(b) of the document proving the supplier’s authorization to enter the extent to the subject of the public contract;This extracts from the Trade Register pursuant to Act No. 455/1991 Coll., On Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act), as amended, and/or Trade List, other entrepreneurship permissions in the fields:
• Construction, alteration and removal;
• revision, inspections and tests of designated technical equipment in operation;
• Project activities in construction;
• Production of railway driving vehicles and rail vehicles or the production of railway drivers and rail vehicles on the tram, trolleybus and rope and railway parks.
c) Proof on the authorization of legal entities for the implementation of technical inspections and tests of designated technical equipment on the special track pursuant to Section 47 (4) of Act No. 266/1994 Coll., On Railways, as amended, at least to the extent:
• electrical networks and electrical wiring of railways;
• electric distribution devices of the railways and electrical stations of the railways;
• electrical equipment of railway vehicles;
• Electrical security equipment whose electrical circuits perform the function of direct ensuring the safety of railway transport.
In this context, the contracting authority adds that the submitted authorization document must not exclude inspections and tests of the designated technical equipment (UTZ) special- metro.three (3) immediately previously completed accounting periods.If the supplier was created later, if it submits its turnover in the required amount for all ended accounting periods from its inception.The supplier demonstrates the turnover by submitting the profit and loss of the supplier for the period of three immediately previously completed accounting periods or by a similar document under the legal order of the country of the supplier’s registered office.
In accordance with Section 84 of the Public Procurement Act, the contracting authority states that for the purposes of proving the fulfillment of this criterion of the economic qualification, the addition of turnover of two or more suppliers/members of the company submitting a joint application for participation.The contracting authority states that the above -mentioned census of turnover is also possible within one accounting period.
At the same time, the contracting authority states in relation to economic qualifications that for the purposes of its provenance, the legal entities shall not be considered as another person within the meaning of Section 83 of the Public Procurement Act.
In the event that the supplier submits data in a currency than the Czech Crown for the purposes of the fulfillment of economic qualification requirements, for the purposes of assessing these data, the value in another currency will always be converted to Czech crowns, according to the exchange rate valid on the last dayThe accounting period published by the Czech National Bank.
It must be verifiable from the submitted documents that the supplier in each of the immediately previous three closed accounting periods (or for all accounting periods from its inception, if the supplier was later) achieved at least the minimum required amount of the total annual turnover.The fact will be decided to determine the last three closed accounting periods is the moment of commencement of the tender.
A closer description - OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 03.06.2024
- Online submission: Required
- Address: