Supply of batteries for the SDIS du Var vehicle fleet

Application deadline closed.

Notice Description

Supply of batteries for the SDIS du Var vehicle fleet


Original language

Fourniture de batteries pour le parc de véhicules du SDIS du Var

Fourniture de batteries pour le parc de véhicules du SDIS du Var


Additional data

  • Notice number: 229288-2024
  • Languages: French
  • Type: open
  • Form: competition
  • Selection criteria:
    A statement indicating the candidate’s annual workforce and the importance of supervision staff for each of the last three years.
    A list of the main deliveries made or the main services provided in the past three years, indicating the amount,the public or private date and recipient.Deliveries and services are proven by certificates of the recipient or, failing this, by a declaration of the economic operator.
    Declaration concerning the overall turnover of the candidate and, if necessary, the figure’Affairs of the field of activity being the subject of the public market, relating to the maximum of the last three years available depending on the date of creation of the company or the start of activity of the economic operator, to the extentwhere information on these turnover is available.
    The candidate may apply in the form of a single European market document (DUME), in place of DC1 and DC2 forms.In the event of a group of economic operators, each member of the group will provide a completed dume form.
  • Award criteria: Cost
  • OJS Issue number: 77/2024


Submission info