Notice Description
The supply of IT equipment in accordance with the technical descriptions of the CCTP, the packaging, the handling and the transport of the equipment.
Original language
Fourniture et livraison de matériels informatiques pour le compte de l’Institut de France.
La fourniture de matériels informatiques conformément aux descriptions techniques du CCTP, l’emballage, la manipulation et le transport des matériels.
Additional data
- Notice number: 229370-2024
- Languages: French
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
The list of references for services of the same nature executed in the last five years specifying the date, the amount, the qualifications and the public or private nature of the recipient with, if necessary, the certificates of good performance of the services. - Award criteria: Quality
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 06.05.2024
- Online submission: Required
- Address: