“Purchase and delivery of 3 pcs. Vehicles with an internal combustion and electric drive in the police version unmarked for KWP in Gorzów Wlkp.”as part of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Zielona Góra.

Application deadline closed.

Notice Description

1. The subject of the contract is “Purchase and delivery of 3 pcs. Vehicles with an internal combustion and electric drive in the police version unmarked for KWP in Gorzów Wlkp.”as part of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Zielona Góra.2..CPV CODE: 34114200-1-police cars.3. A detailed description of tactical and technical requirements (WTT) that vehicles that are the subject of the order must meet include Annex No. 5 to SWZ.4. Purpose of the vehicle: A passenger car in the police unmarked version will be used by the police to carry out service tasks.5. Vehicles that are the subject of the contract must be brand new, complete free from construction, material, executive and legal defects, produced in 2024.6. The Contractor undertakes to prepare and transfer to the Employer the purchased equipment marked in accordance with the logotype placed on the website of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Zielona Góra, a three -color, waterproof.However, the contractor will provide the final login design before placing it on the purchased equipment, will provide the Employer for acceptance.7. A detailed description of the subject of the contract and its implementation was included in SWZ and its attachments


Original language

“Zakup i dostawa 3 szt. pojazdów z napędem spalinowo – elektrycznym w policyjnej wersji nieoznakowanej dla KWP w Gorzowie Wlkp.” w ramach Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Zielonej Górze.

1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest „Zakup i dostawa 3 szt. pojazdów z napędem spalinowo – elektrycznym w policyjnej wersji nieoznakowanej dla KWP w Gorzowie Wlkp.” w ramach Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Zielonej Górze. 2. . Kod CPV Główny: 34114200-1 – Radiowozy policyjne. 3. Szczegółowy opis wymagań taktyczno – technicznych (WTT), jakie muszą spełniać pojazdy będące przedmiotem zamówienia zawiera zał. nr 5 do SWZ. 4. Przeznaczenie pojazdu: Samochód osobowy w policyjnej wersji nieoznakowanej będzie wykorzystywany przez Policję do realizacji zadań służbowych. 5. Pojazdy będące przedmiotem zamówienia muszą być fabrycznie nowe, kompletne wolne od wad konstrukcyjnych, materiałowych, wykonawczych i prawnych, wyprodukowane w 2024 roku. 6. Wykonawca zobowiązuje się do przygotowania i przekazania Zamawiającemu zakupionego sprzętu oznakowanego zgodnie z logotypem umieszczonym na stronie internetowej Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Zielonej Górze, trzykolorowego, wodoodpornego. Jednakże Wykonawca ostateczny projekt logowania przed jego umieszczeniem na zakupionym sprzęcie, przekaże Zamawiającemu w celu akceptacji. 7. Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia i jego realizacji zawarte zostały w SWZ i jej załącznikach


Additional data

  • Notice number: 229287-2024
  • Languages: Polish
  • Type: open
  • Form: competition
  • Selection criteria:
    1. The Employer will deeminate a condition for technical or professional capacity, if the Contractor, through the information contained in the submitted declarations or documents required for this purposeperiodic or continuous – performs if the period of business is shorter – during this period) – minimum one, one -off delivery, under one contract, i.e. a delivery of a vehicle with a minimum value of: PLN 300,000.00.
    In the case of contractors jointly applying for the award of the contract (consortium/civil law partnership), the above condition may be met jointly by members of the consortium/civil law partnership.Entrepreneurs conducting business activity in the form of a civil law partnership will be treated as contractors jointly applying for the award of the contract (cf. judgment of the arbitrators team of 27 May 2005, reference number UZP/ZO/0-1089/05).
    2. The subjective evidence required in accordance with art.124 point 2) of the PZP Act.to confirm the fulfillment of the conditions for participation in the proceedings regarding technical or professional capacity:
    a) list of deliveries (template – annex No. 4 to SWZ) made, and in the case of repetitive or continuous benefits also performed, in the last 3 years, and if the period of conducting the business is shorter – during this period, as they provide their value,the subject, dates of performance and entities for which the deliveries were made or are made, and the attachment of evidence determining whether these deliveries were made or are made properly, with the evidence referred to are references or other documents prepared by the entity, onThe item that the deliveries have been made, and in the case of repetitive or continuous benefits are performed, and if the contractor is not able to obtain these documents for reasons beyond his control – the contractor’s statement;In the case of repetitive or continuous benefits, references or other documents confirming their proper performance should be issued in the last 3 months.The submitted document must result in compliance with the condition described in point XIII item 2 lit.d) SWZ.

  • Award criteria: Price
  • OJS Issue number: 77/2024


Submission info