Notice Description
Project management mission relating to the rehabilitation operation climate plan;requalification of outdoor spaces and the AQS and creation of the new offer (student accommodation, BRS housing and activity premises) at 1-3 avenue Porte de Brancion 15th arrondissement Paris The issues of the MOA on this project are thefollowing: – Improve the energy performance of existing buildings by a climate plan
Original language
Mission de maîtrise d’oeuvre pour la réhabilitation plan climat, la requalification des espaces extérieurs, l’amélioration de la qualité de service pour le groupe situé au 1-3 Avenue Porte de Brancion 15e arrondissement Paris
Mission de maîtrise d’oeuvre relatif à l’opération de réhabilitation plan climat ; de requalification des espaces extérieurs et l’AQS et de création de l’offre nouvelle (logements étudiants, logement BRS et locaux d’activité) au 1-3 Avenue Porte de Brancion 15e arrondissement Paris Les enjeux de la MOA sur ce projet sont les suivants : – Améliorer les performances énergétiques des bâtiments existants par un plan climat & la réhabilitation des logements ; – Améliorer la sécurité incendie existante des bâtiments – Optimiser la constructibilité offerte par le terrain en vue de diversifier l’offre de logements sur le groupe (BRS et logements étudiants) ; – Améliorer la qualité de service et renforcer le caractère paysager du site ; – Mener un projet développant une efficience environnementale (propositions éco-responsables et bas carbone)
Additional data
- Notice number: 229342-2024
- Languages: French
- Type: comp-dial
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
1. The document entitled “Single Document of European Market”:
To simplify his procedures, the candidate is invited to complete this online document using the DUME service made available on our buyer profile whose user manual is recalled in appendix 3 of these consultation regulations;
in the absence of :
– The adapted framework appearing annex 4 of these consultation regulations attached in the consultation file,
– The typical form established by the European Commission
to present in a framework A3 (to be attached to the appendix) and including in particular the candidate’s references in the last three years.This framework should make it possible to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to:
– Carry out a thermal rehabilitation operation in an occupied environment integrating an architectural valuation of the real estate group (photo before/ after).
– Create landscaping spaces with high environmental value.
– Improve the quality of service and the quality of use of common spaces for the inhabitants.
– Housing operation created in new construction or transformation of existing buildings (elevation, extension) - Award criteria: Quality
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 17.05.2024
- Online submission: Required
- Languages: French
- Address: