Notice Description
Municipality of S. Egidio del Monte Albino – Architecture and engineering services for PFTE editorial staff and DL for redevelopment and expansion of the fruit and vegetable market
Original language
COMUNE DI S. EGIDIO DEL MONTE ALBINO – Servizi di Architettura e Ingegneria per redazione PFTE e DL per Intervento di riqualificazione ed ampliamento del Mercato Ortofrutticolo
COMUNE DI S. EGIDIO DEL MONTE ALBINO – Servizi di Architettura e Ingegneria per redazione PFTE e DL per Intervento di riqualificazione ed ampliamento del Mercato Ortofrutticolo
Additional data
- Contract value: 617.376 EUR
- Notice number: 229170-2024
- Languages: Italian
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
Overall global turnover, referring to the best 3 (three) of the last 5 (five) exercises available prior to the date of publication of the announcement, not less than 617,376.68 excluding VAT
having carried out engineering and architecture services relating to belonging worksto each of the classes and categories of which the services to be entrusted are referred to
Having carried out at least 2 similar engineering and architecture services (so -called peak), relating to the works belonging to each of the classes and categories of the works to which the services to be entrusted
refer - Award criteria: Quality
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 20.05.2024
- Online submission: Not-allowed