Mobile application software (app) for applicant communication (ASK)

Application deadline closed.

Notice Description

The Saarland introduces a system of surface monitoring in the current funding period of the common agricultural policy (GAP 2023-2027), which checks the status and the eligibility of the application areas by automatically evaluating satellite data.At the same time, the applicants have the opportunity to contribute to clarifying open questions.For this purpose, an app for the applicants is to be purchased on their mobile devices.The app must be delivered, implemented and waiting.


Original language

Mobile Anwendungssoftware (App) zur Antragstellerkommunikation (ASK)

Das Saarland führt in der aktuellen Förderperiode der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP 2023-2027) ein System der Flächenüberwachung ein, das durch die automatische Auswertung von Satellitendaten den Status und die Förderfähigkeit der Antragsflächen überprüft. Gleichzeitig wird den Antragstellern die Möglichkeit eröffnet, zur Klärung offener Fragestellungen beizutragen. Zu diesem Zweck soll eine App für die Antragsteller auf deren mobilen Endgeräten erworben werden. Die App ist zu liefern, zu implementieren und zu warten.


Additional data

  • Notice number: 229378-2024
  • Languages: German
  • Type: open
  • Form: competition
  • Selection criteria:
    1. Explanation of the applicant that by the person or the behavior of the applicant or the applicant, no reasons for exclusion are justified according to §§ 123, 124 GWB and § 19 Milog.2. Explanation of the applicant that he has complied with his obligation to pay taxes and social security contributions.3. If the applicant belongs to a group of companies, he has to explain with his application to participate to what extent he is linked to the other companies.4. Explanation of the applicant that he is not in the version of Art. 1 Section 23 of the Regulation (EU) 2022/576 of the Council of 8 8,. April 2022 (sanctions from)If the applicant belongs to a group of companies, he has to explain with his application for participation that this does not apply to the connected companies.5. If the applicant is a legal person, he has to provide evidence of a commercial register with his application for participation or a proof of the legal provisions of his home state.6. If the services are offered by a bidding community, the information according to the above digits 1 to 5 for each member of the bidding community must be explained.If the bidder wants to use third parties in the provision of services, the information must also be submitted from third parties on request.
    I.General 1st tabular list, in which the persons provided for the service provision and stating the respective qualification for the professional practice, which are to be demonstrated on request by submitting professional certificates or study evidence or other comparable proof, and stating professional experience in years (Section 122 (2) No. 1 GWB).2. Explanation on the number of employees and their training within the past 3 years (Section 122 (2) No. 3 GWB).3. Explanation of the technical office equipment of the applicant with the mention and description of the software used. If the bidder wants to use third parties in the provision of services, the aforementioned information must also be submitted from third parties at the request of the awarding authority.II. Minimum requirements 1. Minimum requirements for the bidder: The bidder must via an information security management system according to the BSI standard 200-X (IT-Grundschutz) or via an information security management system according to DIN EnISO/IEC 27001 (or comparable) with a valid certificatein the company.The certificate must be submitted.2. Minimum requirement to the project team used: a) The contractor has to use at least two people/employees.b) Each employee has at least 1 to 2 years of practical experience and suitability in the form of an apprenticeship, studying or comparable qualifications in the field of information technology.c) At all times, the contractor has to have at least two full -time equivalents of employees for the order who have a qualification according to the above lit. b).3. Minimum requirement for the experience of the bidder: In order to prove the technical and professional performance, the bidder has to demonstrate at least a suitable reference in the field with georeferanced photo recordings in a mobile application.The performance must have been performed in the past three years.The reference must meet the following minimum requirements: – The reference must affect a project for the development of geo -referenced photo recordings in a mobile application (Android or iOS), the development of which the bidder has participated – – the reference project must have been developed for a public client.With regard to all references, it must be shown to what extent the services provided within the framework of the reference objects have been provided by the persons provided for the service provision.For all references, the applicant must inform the name, address and contact details of the reference giver.The prepared list (see self -declaration bidder suitability) can be used for the reference information.The content of the announcement remains decisive.The requested information must be submitted in text form.
    1.Explanation of the total sales of the applicant.2. Explanation on the sales of the applicant for services compared to the advertised services in the last 3 financial years (Section 122 (2) No. 2 GWB).3. Explanation as to whether and with regard to what services the applicant uses the capacities of other entrepreneurs and the necessary funds are available. 4. If the services are offered by a bidding community, the information for each member of the bidding community must be explained.If the bidder wants to use third parties in the provision of services, the information must also be submitted from third parties at the request of the procurement authority.
    Paying authorities also submitted from third parties.
  • Award criteria: Price
  • OJS Issue number: 77/2024


Submission info