Notice Description
The purpose of this framework agreement aims to manufacture, the supply as well as the installation of interior and external signage for the needs of the CMA Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur meeting the identification and information needs of the various places, alsowell inside that outside the buildings.This framework agreement has passed according to the formalized procedure.This is an open tender call, in accordance with the provisions of articles L 2124-1 and 2124-2 and R 2124-1 and R2124-2 and R2161-2 to R2161-5 of the public procurement code.The benefits give rise to a mono-attributing framework agreement which runs by ordering, without minimum and with a maximum in financial value of 140,000 eurosttc for the initial duration of the framework agreement.In the event of renewal, the maximum amount will also be 140,000 eurosTTTC per renewal period.The framework agreement is the subject of a single lot.This framework agreement has increased for a period of one year from its notification.It therefore takes effect from this date.It is renewable three times for a period of one (1) year.The forecast date for the start of performance of services is scheduled for July 2024.
Original language
Le présent accord cadre a pour objet la fabrication, la fourniture ainsi que la pose de signalétique intérieure et extérieure pour les besoins de la CMA Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur répondant aux besoins d’identification et d’informations des différents lieux, aussi bien à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur des bâtiments. Le présent accord cadre est passé selon la procédure formalisée. Il s’agit d’un appel d’offres ouvert, conformément aux dispositions des articles L 2124-1 et 2124-2 et R 2124-1 et R2124-2 et R2161-2 à R2161-5 du code de la commande publique. Les prestations donnent lieu à un accord-cadre mono attributaire qui s’exécute par bons de commande, sans minimum et avec un maximum en valeur financière de 140 000eurosTTC pour la durée initiale de l’accord cadre. En cas de reconduction, le montant maximum sera également de 140 000eurosTTC par période de reconduction. L’accord cadre fait l’objet d’un lot unique. Le présent accord cadre est passé pour une durée d’un an à compter de sa notification. Il prend donc effet à compter de cette date. Il est reconductible trois fois pour une durée d’un (1) an. La date prévisionnelle de début d’exécution des prestations est prévue au mois de juillet 2024.
Additional data
- Notice number: 229312-2024
- Languages: French
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
A declaration of candidacy (form DC1 or equivalent) presented by the individual candidate or by the agent in the event of a group,
For groups, the candidate will also provide the justification that the agent is empowered to initiate the group: this authorization may be provided by a DC1 form with the H and G sections fully completed and signed by each member of the group or by a power to the agentgiven by each member of the group.This document must specify the extent of power, the object of the market and the name of the solidarity agent.
In the event of receivership, the copy of the judgments (s) declaring the company in receivership and the last judgment empowering it to continue its activity;
A declaration on honor to justify that the candidate does not enter into any cases of prohibition to submit mentioned in articles L 2141-1 to L 2141-5 and L 2141-7 to L 2141-11 of the Code of the Orderpublic and in particular that it is in good standing with regard to articles L.5212-1 to L5212-11 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of disabled workers;
The delegations of power or delegation of signature if the signatory of the documents is not the manager.
A declaration on the overall turnover, and the turnover concerning the services subject to the framework agreement duringof the last three years available (DC2 or equivalent)
Declaration indicating the candidate’s annual enrollment;
Declaration indicating the equipment and equipment available to the candidate for the proper execution of the market
The list of the main references made over the past three years in public or private markets with indication of their amount. - Award criteria: Quality
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 22.05.2024
- Online submission: Required