Notice Description
In the city administration of the state capital Potsdam, the CAD products from the manufacturer Autodesk have been working for several years.Since the current maintenance contract expires, it should be extended by 3 years and expanded by further licenses for 3 years.In addition to the existing licenses, further licenses are to be left to a limited time.
Original language
Lizenzverlängerung Autodesk
In der Stadtverwaltung der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam wird bereits seit mehreren Jahren mit den CAD-Produkten des Herstellers Autodesk gearbeitet. Da der aktuell bestehende Wartungsvertrag ausläuft, soll dieser um 3 Jahre verlängert und um weitere Lizenzen für 3 Jahre erweitert werden. Zusätzlich zu den bereits bestehenden Lizenzen sollen weitere Lizenzen zeitlich befristet überlassen werden.
Additional data
- Notice number: 229353-2024
- Languages: German
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
Unless otherwise regulated, the provision is sufficient as a self -declaration with an submission.The offer must be submitted: – Declaration of self -declaration on subordinate/capacities of other companies (suitability loan) (form 4.3 EU).Information must be provided as to which parts of the order the company intend to be assigned as subunctions (Section 46 (3) No. 10 VGV) or which capacities of other companies are to be used as part of the aptitude loan (if relevant).On the separate request of the procurement authority in the award procedure: – declaration of commitment by subcontractor or with regard to aptitude (form 4.4 EU) (if relevant).- If a subcontractor is carried out, the proof of suitability of the subcontractor and its explanation on §§ 123 ff. GWB (Form 4.1 EU) must be settled (unless otherwise).sufficient.The offer must be submitted with the offer: – Declaration of self -declaration of the bidding community that the designated representative represents the members legally binding to the client in the award procedure and in the event of the order in the implementation of the contract;With an unreserved effect, the authorized representative may accept payments for each member and all members are liable for the fulfillment of the contract as joint debtor (form 4.2 EU) (if relevant).- Declaration of self -declaration on subunctions/capacities of other companies (aptitude loan) (form 4.3 EU) (if relevant).It must be stated which parts of the order the company may intend to be given as sublots (Section 46 (3) No. 10 VGV) or which capacities of other companies are intended as part of the aptitude loan.(If relevant) – Alternatively, the submission of a uniform European self -declaration (EEE) according to § 50 VGV is possible.On the separate request of the procurement authority in the award procedure, the issue of commitment to other companies (if relevant) (Form 4.4 EU).- If a subcontractor is carried out, the proof of suitability of the subcontractor and its explanation on §§ 123 ff. GWB (Form 4.1 EU) must be placed (if relevant). - Award criteria: Price
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 23.05.2024
- Online submission: Required
- Languages: German
- Address: