Notice Description
Framework contract for office mobile.
Original language
Rahmenvertrag Büromobiliar Verwaltungsstellen Stadt Viersen für 2 bzw. 4 Jahre
Rahmenvertrag Büromobiliar Vertragslaufzeit vom 01.07.2024 bis 30.06.2026 bzw. Verlängerungsoption bis max. 30.06.2028
Additional data
- Notice number: 229159-2024
- Languages: German
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
Own declaration for the suitability of delivery/services:
Evidence of membership/entry in a professional register
Information on membership at the professional association
Suitable for suitability delivery/services:
Sales of the company in the last 3 completed financial years
Information on the payment of taxes, levies and contributions to
statutory social insurance
self-declaration for the suitability of delivery/services:
three references from the past 3 years,
Information on workers,
Number of the annual average in the past 3 years
Employees. - OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 21.05.2024
- Online submission: Allowed
- Languages: German
- Address: