Notice Description
The subject of the public contract is to ensure the support and development of the Helpdesk Resort ČÚZK for 36 months.For details see Zd.
Original language
Zajištění podpory a rozvoje Helpdesku resortu ČÚZK – II.
Předmětem veřejné zakázky je zajištění podpory a rozvoje Helpdesku resortu ČÚZK po dobu 36 měsíců. Podrobnosti viz ZD.
Additional data
- Contract value (original): 3.600.000 CZK
- Notice number: 229175-2024
- Languages: Czech
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
The contracting authority requires proving the basic competence pursuant to § 74 of the ZZZ in the manner pursuant to §75 of the Public Procurement Act.Pursuant to Section 226 et seq.The ZVZ can be fulfilled by submitting an extract from the list of qualified suppliers.Pursuant to Section 228 of the Public Procurement Act, an extract from the list shall not be older than 3 months.The contracting authority requires a proof of professional competence in relation to the Czech Republic pursuant to Section 77 of the Public Procurement Institute by submitting an extract from the Commercial Register or other similar records, if any other legal regulation requires entry in such records.Pursuant to Section 226 et seq.The ZZVZ can be proven by the fulfillment of a professional competence by submitting an extract from the list of qualified suppliers to the extent to which the data in the listing from the list of qualified suppliers demonstrates the fulfillment of professional capacity criteria.Pursuant to Section 228 of the Public Procurement Act, an extract from the list shall not be older than 3 months.See Zd.
1.List of significant supplies or significant services provided in the last 3 years before the initiation of the tendering procedure pursuant to § 79 para.b) ZZVZ
2. The name list of technicians who will participate in the performance of the public contract, regardless of whether it is an employee of a party to a tender or a person in another relation to the party to the party’s tender pursuant to Section 79 (2) (a).(c) and (a).d)See Zd.
- Award criteria: Price
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 20.05.2024
- Online submission: Required
- Address: