Delivery of servers, licenses (subscriptions) as well as the system and software under the project “Oncological Clinical Research Center – a system and comprehensive solution for managing and implementing clinical trials in the area of hematooncology” for the voivodship multi -specialist Oncology and Traumatology Center.M. Copernicus in Łódź.
Notice Description
The subject of the order is the supply of servers, licenses (subscriptions) as well as the system and software under the project “Oncological Clinical Research Center – a system and comprehensive solution for managing the development and implementation of clinical trials in the area of hematooncology” for the provincial multi -specialist Oncology and Traumatology Center.M. Copernicus in Łódź.
Original language
Dostawa serwerów, licencji (subskrypcji) oraz systemu i oprogramowania w ramach projektu „Onkologiczne Centrum Badań Klinicznych – systemowe i kompleksowe rozwiązanie do zarządzania rozwojem i realizacją badań klinicznych w obszarze hematoonkologii” dla Wojewódzkiego Wielospecjalistycznego Centrum Onkologii i Traumatologii im. M. Kopernika w Łodzi.
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa serwerów, licencji (subskrypcji) oraz systemu i oprogramowania w ramach projektu „Onkologiczne Centrum Badań Klinicznych – systemowe i kompleksowe rozwiązanie do zarządzania rozwojem i realizacją badań klinicznych w obszarze hematoonkologii” dla Wojewódzkiego Wielospecjalistycznego Centrum Onkologii i Traumatologii im. M. Kopernika w Łodzi.
Additional data
- Notice number: 229374-2024
- Languages: Polish
- Type: open
- Form: competition
- Selection criteria:
Performance of a minimum of 2 (two) supplies with the service of effective implementation*, for hospitals, an IT system to support the CTMS class clinical trials (Clinical Trial Management System), cooperating with the HIS (HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM) system and AMMS clinical research module*, eachworth not less than PLN 500,000.00 gross.
Services occurred not earlier than in the last 3 years before the deadline for submitting offers.
And if the contractor’s period is shorter – during this period.
*Effective implementation means that the program works properly in a given unit.
*The clinical research module is one of the AMMS modules from Assecco Poland Sp.z o.o., where the CWBK of the Ordering Party works.
- Award criteria: Price
- OJS Issue number: 77/2024
Submission info
- Application deadline: 10.05.2024
- Online submission: Required
- Address: