Application deadline closed.

Notice Description

Grass mowing on class I roads and highway in the Karlovy Vary Region


Original language

D6 + I/6 Kosení travních porostů 2024 – 2025

Kosení trávy u silnic I. třídy a dálnice D6 v Karlovarském kraji


Additional data

  • Contract value (original): 12.535.720 CZK
  • Notice number: 229407-2024
  • Languages: Czech
  • Type: open
  • Form: competition
  • Selection criteria:
    The contracting authority requires a proof of the fulfillment of professional competence: pursuant to Section 77 (1) of the Public Procurement Act – an extract from the Commercial Register;Pursuant to § 77 para.a) ZZVZ – valid entrepreneurship authorization: (i) Production, trade and services not listed in Annexes 1 to 3 of the Trade Licensing Act
    The contracting authority requires technical qualification pursuant to § 79 para.b), d) and j) zzvz:
    The contracting authority requires that the following persons meeting the contracting authority’s requirements are involved in the implementation of the contract:

    Person Maintenance Manager:
    (i) at least 2 years of experience in the field of greenery care as a maintenance leader,
    (ii) Practice for the position of a supervisor for at least two major orders whose subject was to mow grasslands with a minimum value of CZK 0.25 million without VAT for each of these orders,
    (iii) the existence of a working or similar proportion to the supplier, eventually.subcontractors, or, if a natural person doing business, a contractual relationship with the supplier

    A representative of the thesis Supervisor:
    (i) at least 2 years of experience in the field of greenery care for the position of the work or representative of the thesis,
    (ii) Practice as a supervisor or its representative for at least two major orders whose subject was mowing grass stands with a minimum value of CZK 0.25 million without VAT for each of these orders,
    (iii) the existence of a working or similar proportion to the supplier, eventually.subcontractors, or, if a natural person doing business, a contractual relationship with the supplier

    The contracting authority requires a supplier’s practice consisting of implementation:
    2 contracts whose subject was mowing grass stands with a price of min.CZK 1,2 million without VAT for each of these orders

    In order to ensure sufficient technical equipment for the implementation of services, the supplier is obliged to dispose of the minimum number of machines, aids, operating or technical equipment below for the following type specifications and parameters:
    (i) 2 pcs of work machine (superstructures) carried – arm lawn mower on the universal carrier (tractor, etc.) for mowing of open ditches with min.6.5 m range (including ice ax width);
    (ii) 2 pcs of work machine (superstructures) carried – arm lawn mower on the universal carrier (tractor, etc.) for mowing open ditches with min.With a range of 3.5 m equipped with a cut -cut grass equipment, or 2 work machine (superstructure) carried – a arm lawn mower on the universal carrier (tractor, etc.) for mowing open ditches with a range of 3.5 m and 2 pcs of a separate pick -up for cut grass – it must not be a fukar that only blows the grass and does not perform;
    (iii) 1 pcs of sub -water mowers allowing seams on the right and left side of the carrier, minimum width of 1 m (must be equipped with GPS system);
    (IV) 1 piece of vehicle for the collection of a hull of at least 10 m3.
    Selected technical equipment must be equipped with a GPS system (see Annex 1 RD, performance specification).
    All technical equipment and machines see points (i) – (IV) must have all the certificates of technical competence, revision, etc. when signing the framework agreement.etc.

  • Award criteria: Price
  • OJS Issue number: 77/2024


Submission info